Report on the Visitor Centre event

On Saturday, 2 December, the CNB Visitor Centre in Prague hosted a special event dedicated to the short-term exhibition "Breakup! Establishment of the Czech and Slovak Currencies in 1993."

In a series of three lectures, attendees received an in-depth overview of the events of thirty years ago, focusing on the division of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, the resulting separation of the central bank and the split of the Czechoslovak koruna. Jakub Kunert, the chief archivist, first explained the process of separating the Czechoslovak currency and the central bank. Following this, Jaroslav Moravec, senior currency circulation expert and participant in the currency separation in 1993, gave a presentation on the creation of the new Czech banknotes and coins. To conclude, Martin Srb, technical designer, graphic artist and engraver with the State Printing Office, shared insights into the mysteries and art behind the creation of the banknotes and coins.

The presentations also included previously unpublished images from that period.

The lecture series concluded with a panel discussion, featuring all three experts who actively engaged in a debate, addressing the audience's perceptive questions.

A creative programme was held during the afternoon, aimed mostly at younger visitors, who were encouraged to design unique banknotes for their own imaginary countries. In addition to trying out traditional techniques, they also had the opportunity to use spirographs, adding an interesting dimension to their creations.

Special activity sheets on the topic of currency separation were also available for visitors of all ages, with a prize upon successful completion.

You can visit the "Breakup! Establishment of the Czech and Slovak Currencies in 1993" exhibition at the CNB Visitor Centre until the end of the anniversary year. A symbolic farewell is planned for the exhibition in January with a final guided tour with its creator - Jakub Kunert.

Follow us on our website and on social media for details of the tour.

Visit the photo gallery to experience the atmosphere at the Visitor Centre during Saturday's event. 

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